Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tree Recovery

The Problem

Given the preorder and inorder traversal of a tree write the postorder traversal of the tree.

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Collections;

namespace ConsoleApplication1


    class Program


        static string answer = "";

        static void Main(string[] args)


            string preord = "12345678";

            string inord = "32541876";

            former(preord, inord, false);



                answer = answer + s.Pop();




        static Stack s = new Stack();

        static void former(string preord, string inord, bool control)       


            if (inord.Length == 1 || inord.Length < 1)


                if (inord.Length == 1)


                    answer = answer + inord;

                    if (control == true)


                        answer = answer + s.Pop();






                    if (control == true)


                        answer = answer + s.Pop();







                int i=0, j=0;

                for (i = 0; i < preord.Length; i++)


                    bool flag = false;

                    for (j = 0; j < inord.Length; j++)


                        if (preord[i] == inord[j])


                            flag = true;




                    if(flag == true)



                string s3 = inord;

                string s4 = preord;

                //Left sub-tree in the inorder traversal.

                string s2 = inord.Remove(j, inord.Length - j);

                //Left sub-tree in the preorder traversal.

                string s1 = preord.Substring(i + 1, s2.Length);

                //Right sub-tree in the inorder traversal.

                string s5 = s3.Remove(0, j + 1);

                int index = s4.IndexOf(s1, 0);

                //Right sub-tree in the preorder traversal.

                string s6 = s4.Remove(index, s1.Length);

                //Push the root into the stack.


                //Right sub-tree without the root in the preorder traversal.

                s6 = s6.Remove(0, 1);

                control = false;

                former(s1, s2, control);

                control = true;

                former(s6, s5, control);





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