Thursday, October 23, 2014

Some of the best resources to learn about Software Design Patterns

I have listed some of the best resources to learn about design patterns below based on my experience and also from the experience of some of my very talented colleagues.
The Head First Design Patterns book is an ideal book to learn design patterns for everyone, starting from beginners who do not have any prior knowledge of design patterns to experts in design patterns. The biggest positive about this book is that it follows the why, how and what sequence of developing systems.

1. At first it explains why a design pattern should be used. This part concentrates on motivating the reader about to learn and use design patterns in regular software development. It starts with a problem in hand and various methods to solve it.

2. Next it explains the design pattern and concentrates on how to implement it using OO principles and other best practices of Software Development.

3. At the end, it reveals what is the outcome of using these design pattern and how it is a better solution than a solution developed without using design patterns.

The content of the book is quite interactive and illustrative. It brings in real world situations and with funny caricatures, it keeps you from feeling bored at any point of time.

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